21. Heliotropium aucheri DC., Prodr. 9:533. 1845. Boiss., Fl. Or. 4:143.1875; Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:26.1967; Kazmi in J. Am. Arb. 51 (2): 169.1970.
Heliotropium sericocarpum Bunge
Similar to the following species, Heliotropium lamondiae, but differing in the more pointed corolla lobes, absence of dentitions between corolla lobe sinuses and the smaller anthers.
Fl. Per.: April–May.
Type: Prope Mosul, Aucher s.n. (Photo! G).
Distribution: Iraq, S. and C. Iran, Baluchistan (Pakistan).
Undercollected and to be expected from other parts of Baluchistan.
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