5. Arnebia speciosa Aitch. and Hemsl. in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18:81. 1881. 19:179, 1882; Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:168.1967; Kazmi, l.c. 362.
Lithospermum speciosum (Aitch. and Hemsl.) I. M. JohnstonMacrotomia speciosa (Aitch. and Hemsl.) Kitamura
Fl. Per.: May.
Type: hills behind Kaiwas, 2700-3600 m, Aitchison 720 (K).
Distribution: Endemic to E. Afghanistan, Kurram (Pakistan).
Similar to Arnebia benthamii, but differing mainly in the interrupted inflorescence, shorter bracts which do not exceed the calyces in the upper half of inflorescence. The taxon also appears to be closely related to the afghan endemic Arnebia nobilis Rech. f., which differs (Fide Riedl, l.c.) mainly in the corolla being glabrous on the outside.
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