2. Onosma limitaneum I.M. Johnston in J. Arn. Arb. 32:354. 1951. Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:185.1967; Kazmi, l.c. 513.
A perennial herb 20-45 cm tall. Stem (-s) solitary or up to 4, branched. Branches, and leaves dense setosely hairy with spreading hairs, 2-5.mm long arising from a tubercled base, intermixed with softer shorter hairs, 0.2-03 mm long, Basal leaves 40-100 x 6-12 mm, oblanceolate to ± spathulate, densely setosely hairy, margin ± revolute, midrib prominent on undersuraface. Cauline leaves similar but smaller and narrower. Flowers in dense terminal or sometimes lateral scorpoid cymes, lax in fruit; up to 13 cm long. Bracts 8-11 mm long, lanceolate, dense hairy. Pedicels dense hairy, up to 12 mm in fruit. Corolla yellow, changing to yellowish-red, tubular, 7-18 mm, minutely pubescent to the outside or sparsely so, 1-1.5 mm long, ± triangular, somewhat deflexed. Filaments 2-4 mm long, attached from 3 to 7 mm from corolla base. Anthers included, linear, 3-7 mm long, coherent by their bases only. Nectar scales annular, lobulate, ciliate. Style slender, slightly exserted from corolla; stigma capitate. Nutlets ± elliptic, 3-33 mm long, shiny.
A variable species in which 2 varieties may be distinguished.