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Pakistan | Family List | Boraginaceae | Pseudomertensia

10. Pseudomertensia drummondii Kazmi in J. Arn. Arb. 51(3):375. 1970.


Perennial 20 cm or more tall. Stem branched. Stem and branches covered with crisp ± spreading hairs up to 1 mm long. Leaves lanceolate, greyish-green, including petiole 50-60 x 5-11 mm; upper leaves similar but smaller. Calyx lobes ovate-lanceolate, ± hirsute. Corolla tube 7-9 mm long, cylindrical; lobes c. 5 mm long, obtuse. Throat appendages c. 2.5 mm, triangular, margin shortly ciliate. Anthers c. 2 mm long, oblong; filaments 1.8 mm long, attached below throat scales and about 8 mm from corolla base.

Fl. Per.: June-July.

Type: Kashmir, Pir Panjal, 11,000', J.R. Drummond 13919! (E).

Distribution: Gilgit, Kashmir.

The species appears to be fairly distinct in the ovate-lanceolate calyx lobes and ± triangular, ciliate throat scales. Closely related to Pseudomertensia chitralensis, from which it differs in the indumentum (hairs larger and spreading), leaves thickish, with petiole less differentiated, broader calyx lobes and throat scales which are larger, triangular and shortly ciliate (not narrow oblong and eciliate).

The filament size in the type material is 1.8 mm long and not 0.5 mm as noted in the description (Kazmi, l.c. 376); besides, the filaments are attached c. 8 mm from corolla base and not 3-6 mm as mentioned by Kazmi (l.c.). The speci-mens from Gilgit (op. cit.) have smaller corollas, but agree in other respects to Pseudomertensia drummondii.


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