Thuspeinanta brahuica (Boiss.) Briq. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 1, 4, 3A: 222. 1895. Hedge & Lamond in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 28: 150. 1968; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. P1. W. Pak. & Kashm. 637. 1972; Rech. f., l.c. 87, t. 88.
I.C. Hedge
Chamaesphacos afghanicus Aitch. & Hemsl.Chamaesphacos brahuicus (Boiss.) Aitch. & Hemsl.Tapeinanthus brahuicus Boiss.
Annual herb, 5-20 cm, simple or branched from base, in upper part with spreading eglandular hairs and numerous short capitate glandular hairs. Leaves lanceolate 5-30 x 4-8 mm, acute, with scattered white eglandular hairs.
Calyx 5-7 mm in flower, densely vinous with spreading eglandular hairs; teeth triangular-lanceolate, subulate to acuminate, c. 1/3 shorter than tube. Corolla rose-pink, c. 10 mm, slightly exserted from calyx teeth. Nutlets c. 3.5 mm long, dark brown, narrow oblong, apically rounded.
Fl. Per.: March-April.
Type: [Pakistan] Baluchistan, Stocks 940 (halo. G; iso. K!).
Distribution: E. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
A very distinctive annual, not to be confused with any other of our species.
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