20. Nepeta clarkei Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 663. 1885. Blatter, Beaut. Flow. Kashmir 2: 118. 1928; Mukerjee, l.c. 129; Stewart in Pak. J. For. 11: 53. 1961; Hedge & Lamond, l.c. 105. 1968; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 619. 1972; Kachroo et al., Fl. Ladakh 129. 1977; Rech. f., l.c. 125, t. 116, 554 f. 11.
I.C. Hedge
Herbaceous perennial with a thick woody rhizome. Stems 50-100 cm, erect, branched, forming clumps up to 80 cm across, quadrangular, finely papillose glandular with scattered villous hairs especially near base. Leaves 15-70 x 10-40 cm, narrow to broad ovate, broad cuneate to cordate, crenulate to serrate, acute, eglandular pubescent, below with numerous sessile oil globules; petiole on lower leaves to 25 mm, decreasing above. Inflorescence of separated many-flowered verticillasters, lowermost pedunculate in wills of upper leaves, upper sessile and approximating. Bracts linear, 1/2 as long to as long as calyces. Pedicels absent to 1.5 mm. Calyx 7-8 mm, almost straight, green or purplish, with eglandular hairs, papillose glands and sessile oil globules; throat slightly oblique; teeth somewhat unequal, triangular-subulate, longest to 3 mm. Corolla pale blue or mauve, c. 15 mm; tube slightly curved, exserted, widest at throat; upper lip bilobed, straight; lower lip ± white, flecked blue. Anthers violet. Nutlets c. 2 x 0.8 mm, ellipsoid, chestnut brown, ± trigonous, apically rounded, minutely granular with a small basal bilobed areole.
Fl. Per.: May-September.
Types: Kashmir: Tilail, 3350 m, Clarke (K); Kunylwan, 2280 m, Clarke (K).
Distribution: Pakistan, Kashmir, NW India, Tibet.
A close ally of, but distinct from, Nepeta erecta q. v. Nepeta clarkei is apparently a plant of stony slopes and open ground.