2b. Borreria articularis var. hispida (L.) Shivaranjan & Manilal in New Botanist. 11(2): 89. 1975.
Borreria hispida (L.) K. Schum.Spermacoce hispida L.
Branches erect or procumbent, circular or obscurely 4-angled, angles with spreading hairs. Corolla-tube ± equalling the lobes, campanulate or turbinate.
Lectotype: Ceylon: Hermann (BM-HERM. Vol. 1: 15, fide Verdcourt, l.c.).
Distribution: Same as type variety.
Our material from Tharparker is closer to var. hispida in having erect-suberect habit and obscurely 4-angled stem, but the corolla tube is smaller, c. 3 mm and longer than lobes. This may turn out to be a new taxon. However, our material is mostly in fruit and more specimens are needed in order to reach any definite conclusion. Recorded for the first time from Pakistan. Seeds are used as substitute for coffee (Kirtikar and Basu, Ind. Med. Pl. 1: 663. 1918.). A decoction of roots is also used as an alternative of tea.
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