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Pakistan | Family List | Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia

6. Euphorbia clarkeana Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 253. 1887. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 447. 1972.


  • Euphorbia jodhpurensis Blatt. & Hallb.

    Similar to Euphorbia granulate, but plant completely glabrous, with the leaf-blades narrowly obliquely falcate-oblong, 2-13 x 1-4 mm, usually minutely denticulate at or towards the apex, cyathia in the axils of leaves on dense lateral shoots and appearing as if ± clustered, glandular appendages minute or 0, and seeds ovoid, shallowly rugulose or almost smooth.

    Fl. & Fr. Per.: More or less continuously throughout the year.

    Holotype: India, Delhi, 22 Oct. 1874, C.B. Clarke 23310A (K).

    Distribution: Afghanistan, N.W. India. On Sandy soil, clay soil, pebbly ground, in fields and open waste places with Cressa cretica: near sea-level to 7800'/2380 m.


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