Saponaria floribunda Boiss.
Annual, 5-10 cm tall with slender, spreading branches. Stems purplish, branched, glandular-pubescent. Leaves sessile, 5-10 x 1-2 mm, spathulate linear-oblong, glandular-pubescent, apex obtuse. Inflorescence a spreading panicle, with flowers in dichasia. Pedicel very slender, sparsely glandular. Bracts minute, lanceolate. Calyx 3-4 mm, campanulate, glandular-pubescent, yellowish; teeth triangular, acute, tinged purple, nerves 5, broad with :carious intervals. Petals c. 1 mm, oblong, tapering below, white or pink at the apex, tinged purple, hardly exceeding the calyx. Capsule c. 4 mm, only slightly exserted from the calyx.
Fl. Per.: May-Ju Fr. Per.: June.
Type: USSR. Described from the Argentine mountains (N. E. Kazakhstan), (MW; G).
Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Pamir-Alai, Tienshan, Pakistan.
In Pakistan found on stony ground from 1600-2600 m.