8. Gypsophila sedifolia Kurz. in Flora. 55:285. 1872. Edgew. & Hook. f. in Hook f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1211.1874;Wendelbo in Nytt. Mag. Bot. 1:30.1952; Stewart Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 244.1972.
Gypsophila herniarioides Boiss.Gypsophila tibetica Hook. f. & Thom.
Prostrate caespitose perennial with thick roots. Stems up to 7cm long decumbent, leafy, pubescent. Leaves fasciculate, pale green-greyish, 4-6 x 0.5-1mm, pubescent, oblong, sessile, apex obtuse (appearing as forming dense whorls at the nodes). Calyx 5-5.5 mm, campanulate, pubescent; teeth 1.5-2 mm, triangular; acute, with a wide, white-yellow hyaline margin, ciliate, nerves 5. prominent below; Petals dull pink to lilac, slightly exserted from capsule, spathulate to obovate, with a ± crenate apex. Capsule partially exserted from the calyx.
Fl. Per.: July Fr. Per.: August.
Type: Described from Tibet, Zanskar.
Distribution: W. Tibet, N. Pakistan.
Found from 2740-3960 m.
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