10. Gypsophila lignosa Hemsl. & Lace in J. L. Soc. 28:322. 1891. Burkill, Work. List. Fl. Pl. Baluch. 11:909; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 244. 1972.
Shrubby perennial, with woody stem and rootstock. Stems 15-30 cm, erect to ascending, greyish-green, minutely pubescent, with few leaves. Leaves 12-16 x 0.5 mm, linear, glabrous or minutely pubescent, fasciculate, sessile; apex acute. Flowers sessile, in dense capitate heads; peduncles long. Bracts ovate, ciliate, adpressed to calyx. Calyx c. 4 mm, ± turbinate, pubescent, teeth triangular-acute, veins 5. Petals white, oblong, narrowing below, exceeding-the calyx. Capsule not seen.
Fl. Per.: July.
Type: Baluchistan, Ziarat, Lace 3944 (K).
Distribution: N. Afghanistan, Pakistan (Baluchistan).
This woody species is fairly common around Ziarat (nr. Quetta) at c. 2800 m.