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Pakistan | Family List | Caryophyllaceae | Acanthophyllum

2. Acanthophyllum squarrosum Boiss., Diagn. Ser. 2(1): 81. 1854. Fl. Or. 1:56 1867; Blatter & Fernandez in Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 36(1,2): 958. 1933; Schiskhkin in Fl. URSS. 6:783. 1936; Burkill, Work. List.- Fl. Pl. Baluch. 1. 1908; Mizushima in Kitam., Fl. Afghan. 100. 1960; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. & Kashm. 238, 1972.


Shrubby perennial, 10–30 cm. Stems branched, greyish-green, glabrous crisp-pubescent. Leaves spreading or recurved, with sterile, small spiny leaf fascicles in the axils, white pubescent or glabrous, 15-35 x 1 mm, subulate to acerose ridged, flat above, concave beneath, apex spiny. Flowers in 1-3-terminal corymbs Flowers sessile to shortly pedicellate. Bracts spiny. Calyx 6–8 mm, cylindrical pubescent or glabrous; teeth lanceolate, the apex spiny; nerves 5, protruding. Petals white or pink, c. 13 mm, limb elliptic-linear, apex acute, entire, exserted claw narrow.

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