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Pakistan | Family List | Gentianaceae | Qaisera

3. Qaisera coronata (Royle) Omer in Bot. Jahrb. 111:210. 1989.


Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270

  • Eurythalia coronata D.Don ex Royle
  • Gentiana coronata (D.Don ex Royle) Griseb.

    Annual-biennial(-perennial), up to 10 cm high branched herb. Stem branched from base or. above, pubescent, densely crowded with leaves. Basal leaves indistinct, 13-3.5(4.0) x 0.4-1.0 cm, lanceolate-ovate, entire, margin cartilaginous, acuminate. Cauline 0.8-23 x 0.4-0.8 cm, lanceolate, entire, or with scabrate base, acuminate, sheathing at base. Inflorescence in terminal fascicles. Flowers 0.8-1.75 cm long, subcampanulate, sessile. Calyx 0.5-1.2 cm long, tube 0.4-0.8 cm long, lobes 0.2-0.6 x 0.1-0.2 cm, lanceolate, entire, marginate, margin cartilaginous, acuminate. Corolla 0.75-1.7 cm long, tube 03-1.0 (-1.25) cm long, lobes 0.2-0.6 x 0.1-035 cm, obovate or ovate, entire, acute or subobtuse, fimbriate, fimbriae linear, acute-acuminate, unequal. Plicae slightly smaller than corolla lobes, thus giving an impression of 10-lobed corolla, 0.15-0.4(-03) x 0.15-0.25 cm, ovate, subentire-crenate, acute. Stamens 5, filaments filiform, attached in the middle or near the corolla tube, anthers bibbed, basifixed. Ovary superior, 0.7-1.25 x 0.2-03 cm, obovate, gynophore ± absent, style present, stigma bifid. Nectaries at base of ovary.

    Fl. Per.: June-August.

    Type: Kedarkanta, near the top of the peak, Royle (LIV!).

    B-7 Hazara: Gittidas, 27.8.1954, Metz 84 (BM), Gittidas to Katawai, 4400 m, 15.7.1953, Schmid 493 p.p. (BM), B-8 Kashmir: N. E. of Murgan pass, between Kashmir & Kishtwar, 9-11000 ft., Fuller 2 (K), Pir Panjal, 10000 ft., 2.7.1902, Drummond 13918 (K), id., 6.7.1876, Clarke 28869 (BM), near Kanibasser glacier, 14500 ft., 10.8.1939, Scott-Russel 1566 (BM), Sokha glacier, 13000 ft., 23.8:1939, ibid 1683 (BM), Aklam valley, Bringhi river, 11500-13000 ft., 10.7.1937, Ludlow 19 (BM), Kishtwar, Barnaj nallah, Sapphire mines, 10000 ft., 8.7.1943, Ludlow & Sherriff 9158 (BM, E), Pense La, 13700 ft., 26.7.1981, Southampton University Botanical Expedition 166 (BM), Apharwat, 13200 ft., 12.8.1956, Polunin 56/193 (BM), Rajparyan sanctuary, upper Bringhi, 11000 ft., 23.8.1943, Ludlow & Shemff 9354 (BM), Wardwan, 9500 ft., 4.5.1976, Stainton 7532 (E), Barai valley, Kishenganga, 12500 ft., 27.7.1935, Ludlow & Sherriff 1478 (E), Baltistan, Marpu nullah, 13-16000 ft., 4.7.1892, Duthie 11817 (P).

    Distribution: Pakistan (Hazara and Kashmir), India (Dehra Dun, Kulu).

    A Sino-Japanese element.

    Grows between 10-14000 ft., in alpine moist lands.

    Royle (1835) stated in the origional description that the corolla was 10-partite. A condition which only occurs in this species, although, the lobes may be slightly unequal.

    The illustration by Royle (l.c.) suggests that the stamens are basifixed, and this condition is often stressed by many others (Burkill in Herb. Kew, Stansfeild, fide Stewart, 1972). This condition was very critically analyzed in the type specimen. Though, the type is in a poor state, but fragments of a stamen suggest that the stamens are clearly dorsifuted and not basifixed as stated earlier.


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