Arnellia Lindberg in S. O. Lindberg and W. H. Arnell, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. ser. 2. 23: 35.
[For W. H. Arnell, Swedish hepaticologist, 1848--1932]
W. B. Schofield
Plants in light green to whitish (rarely brownish) green, reclining to erect, as small shoots in mats or as scattered shoots, sparsely branched, branches intercalary. Leaves round to suborbicular, sometimes fused at antical base; rhizoids confined to underleaves; laminal cells with trigones, oil bodies 3--10 per cell, homogenous. Specialized asexual reproduction by 1--2 celled gemmae on proximal dorsal surface of leaves. Sexual condition: archegoniate shoots with leaves compressed; a marsupium usually produced. Sporophytes with short seta. Spores spherical l8--24 μm., papillose.
Species 1: circumpolar, often a calcicole, moist tundra, shaded cliffs, alpine to Arctic, North America, alpine and n Europe, Asia (Russia).
Lower Taxon
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