Zygodon conoideus (Dickson) Hooker & Taylor, Musc. Brit. 71. 21. 1818.
Bryum conoideum Dickson
Plants to 0.7 cm. Stem leaves loosely erect and not contorted when dry, spreading to ± recurved when moist, 1--1.7 mm, oblong-lanceolate, broadly acute, with abrupt apiculus, usually ending in a long, clear cell; margins entire; costa ending near apex; distal laminal cells 9--14 µm wide, with 2--4 small, clavate papillae per cell, somewhat thick-walled; basal laminal cells pale yellow, subquadrate to short-rectangular; gemmae cylindric to fusiform. Sexual condition dioicous. Sporophytes not known in North America.
Tree trunks, occasionally on dead branches; low elevations; N.S.; Mass.; Europe.
Zygodon conoideus is distinguished from Z. viridissimus by having wider, oblong-lanceolate leaves, larger leaf cells, and gemmae that have 4--7 horizontal, but no longitudinal septae.
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