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BFNA | Family List | BFNA Vol. 1 | Dicranaceae | Dicranum | Dicranum majus

Dicranum majus var. orthophyllum Milde, Bryol. Siles. 71. 1869.

Plants in loose tufts, mostly light green, somewhat dull. Leaves erect-patent, 6--8 mm; margins slightly serrulate distally to almost entire; costa serrulate to nearly smooth distally on abaxial surface, with an interrupted double row of guide cells.

Capsules mature in spring. Humus, sand, and rock in the tundra; 40--1500 m; n B.C., n Man., N.W.T., n Que., Yukon; Alaska (Worley & Iwatsuki 1970); Europe.

This is an extremely weak Arctic variety that differs from the typical var. majus in only a few minor characters. The plants immediately appear different because of the erect-patent, short leaves instead of the long, falcate-secund leaves of the typical var. majus. More collections are needed from many Arctic localities to better understand this variety, which may only be an environmental form.


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