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BFNA | Family List | BFNA Vol. 1 | Pottiaceae | Acaulon

Acaulon muticum (Hedwig) J. K. A. Müller, Bot. Zeit. 5: 99. 1847.

  • Acaulon rubrum Grout [illegitimate name]
  • Phascum rubrum J. C. Röhling [illegitimate name]

    Plants elliptic to globose, ca. 2 mm. Stem leaves cuspidate, broadly channeled; laminal cells smooth. Seta short, about 0.3 the diameter of the capsule. Spores spheric to elliptic, 30--50 µm, papillose or nearly smooth.

    Varieties 2 (2 in the flora): temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere, Africa.

    As H. A. Crum (1969) and A. J. Grout (1939) pointed out, American specimens reported as A. rubrum are A. muticum var. rufescens. These plants are often small, rather three-sided and may be confused with A. triquetrum. The leaves of both varieties stain red, at least in blotches, in KOH, and they intergrade to some extent.

    1 Plants yellow-brown in nature, spores papillose-punctulose.   Acaulon muticum var. muticum
    + Plants yellow- to red-brown in nature, spores smooth or papillose-punctulate.   Acaulon muticum var. rufescens

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