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Shiu-Ying Hu     [ United States ]

Emeritus Prof.
Harvard University Herbaria

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Dr. Hu was born and educated in China, arrived at Harvard
University as a graduate student in the Department of Biology in
August 1946, and received her doctorate degree in June 1949.
Dr. Hu has been on the staff of the Arnold Arboretum, working with
specimens and literature in monographic, floristic, economic
and horticultural aspects of plants.
(Source: Harvard University Herbaria)

She has established herself as one of the most distinguished
research scientists in the field of plant taxonomy during the
past fifty years in Harvard's Arnold Arboretum. She was a visiting
professor in the Department of Biology at The Chinese University
of Hong Kong, and is still a senior college tutor at Chung Chi
College which is one of the University's foundation colleges.
Dr. Hu currently resides in Hong Kong.
(Source: Food Plants of China)


Major Achievements

    Dr. Hu produced a file of 158,844 cards for Chinese plant names
    Hu Card Index




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