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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 28 | Sematophyllaceae

6. Heterophyllium (Schimper) Kindberg, Canad. Rec. Sci. 6: 72. 1894. (as Heterophyllum) • [Greek heteros, different, and phyllon, leaf, alluding to somewhat different stem and branch leaves].

Wilfred B. Schofield

Hypnum subg. Heterophyllium Schimper, Syn. Musc. Eur., 629. 1860

Plants medium-sized to large, yellow-green to red bronze, strongly or weakly glossy. Stems 2-6 cm, somewhat to weakly complanate-foliate, subpinnate to irregularly branched. Leaves erect-spreading, ovate to lanceolate; margins toothed distally; apex long-acuminate; costa double or obscure; alar cells quadrate or rectangular, enlarged, pigmented, walls thick, region differentiated in several rows, middle lamella apparent, supra-alar cells differentiated; laminal cells elongate, flexuose, smooth. Sexual condition autoicous or dioicous. Seta 2-4 cm. Capsule inclined to suberect, cylindric; exothecial cell walls not collenchymatous; operculum conic.

Species 1: se United States, Mexico, Central America, Eurasia, Pacific Islands.

SELECTED REFERENCE Robinson, H. and C. F. Reed. 1966. The status of the moss genus Heterophyllium. Bryologist 69: 317-323.

Lower Taxon


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