1. Oligomeris Cambessèdes in V. Jacquemont, Voy. Inde. 4(Bot.): 23. 1839.
[name conserved]
Whitepuff [Greek oligos, few, and meros, part, alluding to fewer stamens and petals than in other genera of family]
Herbs, annual [biennial], or perennial. Stems erect to ascending, branched basally. Leaves not rosulate; alternate (sometimes fasciculate); petiolate, petiole shorter than blade, winged; blade margins usually entire, sometimes toothed near base, teeth 1-2, hyaline. Inflorescences usually dense spikes (or spikelke racemes). Pedicels absent or nearly so. Flowers: sepals persistent, 2-4(-5), distinct, equal; petals 2-3[-5], distinct or basally connate, margins entire or shallowly incised; intrastaminal nectary-discs absent; stamens 3-4[-10]; filaments persistent, distinct or basally connate; ovaries 4(-5)-carpelled. Capsules erect, angled, subglobose to obovoid, walls membranous. Seeds smooth (glossy). x = 15.
Species 3 (1 in the flora): sw North America, n Mexico, sw, c Asia, n, s Africa, n Atlantic Islands.