14. Phedimus Rafinesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 438. 1817.
[Greek mythological name, possibly for Phaedimus, mythical son of Amphion and Niobe, slain by Apollo]
Nancy R. Morin
Aizopsis Grulich; Asterosedum Grulich; Spathulata (Borissova) Á. Löve & D. Löve
Herbs, perennial, not viviparous, 0.5-5 dm, (often woody at base), glabrous [pubescent]. Stems erect or creeping, simple or branched, fleshy. Leaves persistent, cauline, alternate or opposite, (± alike), sessile [petiolate], (narrowed to base), not connate basally; blade orbiculate, obovate, spatulate-elliptic, or elliptic-lanceolate, laminar, 1-8 cm, fleshy, base not spurred, margins crenate (sometimes glandular); veins not conspicuous. Inflorescences terminal cymes. Pedicels absent. Flowers erect, 5-merous; sepals connate basally, all alike or unequal; petals spreading, erect basally and spreading distally or recurved at tip, nearly distinct, yellow, white, or pink; calyx and corolla not circumscissile at base in fruit; nectaries adnate to pistils as basal scales; stamens 10; filaments of antipetalous stamens adnate to corolla; pistils erect, nearly distinct; ovary base truncate; styles shorter than ovary. Fruits stellately spreading. Seeds ellipsoid, finely lined.
Species 20 (3 in the flora): introduced; Europe, Asia.
S. Mayuzumi and H. Ohba (2004) concluded that Phedimus forms a lineage distinct from Sedum in a strongly supported clade based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Phedimus is characterized by having flattened leaves with serrate or crenate margins; Sedum has semiterete or very thickened leaves with entire margins (Ohba et al. 2000).