5. Geum calthifolium Smith in A. Rees, Cycl. 16: Geum no. 13. 1810.
Caltha-leaved avens
Plants subscapose. Stems 8–40 cm, sparsely hirsute proximally, puberulent throughout. Leaves: basal 5–25 cm, blade strongly lyrate-pinnate, sometimes simple, major leaflet 1, minor leaflets 1–7, terminal leaflet much larger than minor laterals; cauline 1.5–4.5 cm, stipules not evident, blade ˂bractlike, not resembling basal˃, simple. Inflorescences 1–2(–4)-flowered. Pedicels downy, hirsute, eglandular. Flowers erect; epicalyx bractlets 2–6 mm; hypanthium green or green with slight maroon tinge; sepals erect-spreading, 6–11 mm; petals spreading, yellow, obcordate-obdeltate to nearly orbiculate, 9–13 mm, longer than sepals, apex broadly and shallowly emarginate. Fruiting tori sessile, glabrous. Fruiting styles wholly persistent, not geniculate-jointed, 9–14 mm, apex not hooked, pilose in basal 3/4, eglandular. 2n = 42.
Flowering summer. Muskegs, moist meadows, heathlands, moist sites on rocky slopes, ledges, and cliffs; 0–1500 m; B.C.; Alaska; e Asia (Russian Far East).
Geum calthifolium hybridizes with G. rossii [= G. ×macranthum (Kearney ex Rydberg) B. Boivin]; see discussion under 4. G. schofieldii.