103f. Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe var. phoeniceoides J. B. Phipps & Sennikov, Willdenowia. 43: 39. 2013.
Shrubs, 20–30 dm. Leaves: blade ovate to rhombic-obovate, base ± cuneate, sinuses: max LII 15–20%, lobe apex acute, veins 3–5 per side, abaxial surface glabrous, adaxial glabrous young. Inflorescences: branches glabrous. Flowers 15–20 mm diam.; hypanthium ˂externally˃ glabrous; stamens 10, anthers cream or ivory. Pomes red, suborbicular, 8–10 mm diam., glabrous.
Flowering May–Jun; fruiting Sep–Oct. Open brush; 50–400 m; Ont., Que.; Conn., Maine, Mass., N.Y., Vt., Wis.
Because of confusion with similar, insufficiently studied, glabrous-inflorescence forms, the distribution given is inclusive.
Variety phoeniceoides in the strict sense is, in general appearance, like typical forms of var. chrysocarpa but is completely glabrous and, uniquely for this species, has the larger bracteoles stipitate-glandular like those in the Crataegus dodgei group.