48e. Crataegus mollis (Torrey & A. Gray) Scheele var. meridionalis (Sargent) Lance, Phytoneuron. 2011–3: 6. 2011.
Crataegus meridionalis Sargent, J. Arnold Arbor. 1: 252. 1920
Stems: twigs ± strongly flexuous; thorns on twigs few to plentiful. Leaf blades elliptic to narrowly ovate, lobes 2–4 per side, sinuses shallow (LII 8–15%), lobe apex subacute to obtuse. Stamens 20. Pomes red.
Flowering Mar–Apr; fruiting Sep–Oct. Blackland soil, brushy habits; 30–100 m; Ala., Miss., Tenn.
Variety meridionalis has strongly toothed leaves that are very tomentose abaxially at anthesis.
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