75f. Crataegus pruinosa (H. L. Wendland) K. Koch var. magnifolia (Sargent) J. B. Phipps, Novon. 16: 386. 2006.
Crataegus magnifolia Sargent, Trees & Shrubs 2: 69, plate 132. 1908
Shrubs or trees, height not recorded. Leaves: blade ovate to ovate-deltate, 5–7 cm, length/width = 1.3–1.5, lobes 0 or 1–4 per side, ˂obscure˃, lobe apex ± obtuse, base broadly cuneate to subtruncate, adaxial surface glabrous, sometimes sparsely appressed-hairy along veins. Inflorescence branches glabrous. Flowers 18 mm diam.; stamens 20, anthers cream.
Flowering Apr; fruiting Sep–Oct. Chalk barrens, along rocky watercourses; of conservation concern; 100–200 m; Mo.
Variety magnifolia, a local variant from Jasper County in southern Missouri, not seen for many years, is distinct for its remarkable leaf shape and cream anthers. It would be more consistent with the logic of this treatment to place var. magnifolia with Crataegus cognata, but the combination has not been made.
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