102b. Crataegus sheila-phippsiae J. B. Phipps & O'Kennon var. saskatchewanensis
Saskatchewan hawthorn
Plants shrubby, thicket-forming, 15–30 dm. Stems: thorns on twigs 3–6 cm. Leaf blades 2–4(–5) cm, at early anthesis little larger than flowers. Flowers: anthers white to cream. Pomes orange-red to bright red.
Flowering May–Jun; fruiting Aug–Sep. Thickets; 700–1000 m; Sask.
The main range of var. saskatchewanensis is the Cypress Hills; records are known also from the prairie regions of southern Saskatchewan. The differences from the type variety are considerable and constant, and var. saskatchewanensis is perhaps more similar to Crataegus chrysocarpa var. chrysocarpa although where sympatric its fruit is larger.
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