64f.17. Crataegus Linnaeus (sect. Coccineae) ser. Bracteatae (Sargent) Rehder, Man. Cult. Trees ed. 2. 363. 1940.
Crataegus [unranked] Bracteatae Sargent, Silva 13: 34. 1902
Shrubs or trees, 30–80 dm, usually main trunk dominant, ˂1–few-stemmed˃. Stems: trunk bark not recorded; ˂branches spreading; twigs ± straight˃, new growth pubescent, 1-year old pale to mid, sometimes dark, brown, older gray; thorns on twigs few to numerous, ± straight, 2-years old ± shiny, dark brown to black, ± stout to ± slender, 2–4 cm. Leaves: petiole length 15–25% blade, ˂winged distally˃, pubescent, gland-dotted or stipitate-glandular; blade ˂deep green˃, elliptic to narrowly obovate or broadly elliptic to ovate, 3–7 cm, subcoriaceous, base ± narrowly cuneate, lobes 0 or 1–4 per side, sometimes apiculi, sinuses very shallow, margins regularly, strongly glandular-serrate, ˂proximal bracteoles usually stipitate-glandular˃, venation craspedodromous, veins 5–7 per side, apex acute to subacute, ˂glossy˃, abaxial surface hairy mainly on veins, adaxial appressed-pubescent young, sometimes glabrescent. Inflorescences 3–12-flowered, convex panicles, ˂usually subterminal from a woody short shoot, sometimes lateral to extension shoots˃; branches densely villous or pilose; bracteoles: larger ones semipersistent, ligulate, subherbaceous, margins glandular-pectinate to glandular-serrate, smaller ones caducous, linear, herbaceous to membranous, margins stipitate-glandular. Flowers (15–)20–25 mm diam.; hypanthium tomentose; sepals narrowly triangular or lanceolate, length 66–75% petals, margins glandular-pectinate or glandular-laciniate; stamens 20(–25), anthers usually ivory; styles 3–5. Pomes ˂1–few˃, orange-red to red, suborbicular, 10–14 mm(–22) diam., hairy; flesh mealy to ± hard; sepals patent-reflexed or -incurved, ˂non-accrescent˃; pyrenes 3–5.
Species 2 (2 in the flora): se United States.
Series Bracteatae comprises one fairly common species (Crataegus ashei) and one rare species (C. harbisonii) together occurring from Louisiana to Alabama in the piedmont, and north into Tennessee and the Virginia Blue Ridge. These species are found in brush, including prairie margins and open woodlands.
Series Bracteatae are characterized by relatively few- and large-flowered inflorescences and by very glandular petioles, leaf margins, pedicels, and sepal margins, which are also usually very hairy. They share these characteristics with ser. Triflorae, to which they appear to be related. The leaves of ser. Bracteatae have longer petioles than those of the somewhat similar ser. Crus-galli. Crataegus harbisonii may bear its inflorescences on side shoots of the season. All are tetraploid.