64f.5. Crataegus Linnaeus (sect. Coccineae) ser. Madrenses J. B. Phipps, Monogr. N. Mex. Crataegus. 14. 1997.
Shrubs or trees, 40–80 dm, main trunk dominant. Stems: trunk bark not recorded; twigs: new growth pubescent at least initially, 1-year old brown, older dull gray; thorns on twigs numerous, straight to slightly recurved, 2-years old dark gray, ± shiny, ± slender, 2.5–5 cm. Leaves: petiole length 10–25% blade, pubescent, glandularity not recorded; blade broadly elliptic or elliptic-rhombic, rarely narrowly oblanceolate, 3–4 cm, subcoriaceous, base cuneate, lobes 0 or sinuses shallow, lobe apex acute, margins serrate except proximally, venation craspedodromous, veins 5 or 6 per side, apex acute to obtuse, abaxial surface glabrate except on veins, adaxial appressed-pilose, usually persisting. Inflorescences 6–15-flowered; branches canescent; bracteoles caducous, linear, membranous, margins stipitate-glandular. Flowers 15–17 mm diam.; hypanthium tomentose especially proximally; sepals narrowly triangular, 2/3 petal length, margins glandular-serrate to glandular-pectinate; stamens 10–20, anthers pink; styles 3–5. Pomes bright red, suborbicular, 8–10(–20) mm diam., pubescent; flesh not recorded; sepals patent-reflexed; pyrenes 3.
Species 2 (1 in the flora): Texas, ne Mexico.
The two species of ser. Madrenses occur in northeastern Mexico. Crataegus tracyi extends to west-central Texas; C. aurescens J. B. Phipps is endemic to northeastern Mexico. Species of ser. Madrenses resemble those of ser. Crus-galli but have more styles and pyrenes (3–5) than is usual in the latter series, as well as strongly glandular-serrate to glandular-laciniate sepal margins.