11c. Cuscuta Linnaeus Monogynella (Des Moulins) Peter in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 68[IV,3a]: 38. 1891.
Inflorescences thyrsoid: paniculiform, racemiform, or spiciform. Pedicels 0–2 mm. Flowers: style usually 1, sometimes distally 2-fid or separating into 2; stigma conic, ± cuboid, depressed-globose, ellipsoid, globose, obovoid, or ovoid. Capsules: dehiscence circumscissile. Seeds ± obcompressed; seed coat epidermis cells rectangular, not honeycombed when dry and papillate when wet.
Species 15 (2 in the flora): United States, Europe, Asia, Africa.
Cuscuta cassytoides Nees ex Engelmann, known from Africa, was collected in North Carolina in 1918, probably as a waif on Quercus phellos; it is not known to be established or recurrent in the flora area. Cuscuta reflexa Roxburgh, known from Asia, was collected in California in 1969; it is not known to be established or recurrent in the flora area.
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