Ascocentrum Schltr.
Epiphytic herbs. Stems usually short, rooting at nodes near base. Leaves usually distichous, narrow, flat or nearly terete, sheathing at base. Racemes axillary, with many flowers facing in one direction. Flowers spreading or subspreading, sepals and petals similar, free; lip adnate to base of column, 3lobed, base spurred, lateral lobes erect, rounded or triangular, midlobe larger, tongue-like, not flexible, spur narrow, pointing downward, without calli or appendages inside, with a small thickening at mouth near base of midlobe; column footless; anther terminal, opercular, with reduced partitions; pollinia 2, waxy, porate, attached by a slender stipe to a broad viscidium; stigma entire; rostellum bifid.
About nine species. Southern China, the Himalaya, Thailand, through Malaysia to Indonesia. One species in Taiwan.