Bletilla Rchb. f.
Terrestrial herbs. Stems slender. Basal pseudobulbs dilated. Stems short, erect, leafy apically, enclosed by tubular sheaths at base. Leaves 4-6, convolute, mostly narrow, plicate, sheathing at base. Racemes terminal, 2-10-flowered; peduncle slender; simple or sometimes branched; bracts caducous. Flowers often opening successively; sepals and petals nearly equal, free, erect or somewhat spreading; lip adnate to base of column, 3-lobed, lateral lobes erect, slightly embracing column, terminal lobe slightly recurved, disc with many longitudinal ridges; column slender, slightly arching, winged on each side near top, without foot; anther terminal, nearly incumbent, 2-celled; pollinia 8, laterally flattened, mealy, nearly equal or 4 smaller, connected by short caudicles in 2 groups to small viscidia; stigma entire, transversely narrowed; rostellum semiorbicular, undivided.
About 6 species. Mainly in China and Japan. Only one variable species in Taiwan.