Didymoplexis Griff.
Saprophytes, leafless. Rhizomes fleshy, tuber-like. Peduncle erect, slender, with a few scale-like sheaths. Inflorescence a raceme. Flowers campanulate, opening successively; sepals and petals joined at base into short tube, dorsal sepal and petals fused for much of their length; lip adnate to foot of column, free from sepals and petals, lobed or not; column dilated apically, with wings on both sides, with short foot at base; anther terminal, incumbent, operculate, 2-celled; pollinia 4, 2 pairs, soft, without caudicle but sometimes with viscidium; stigma entire; rostellum obscure. Capsules erect, pedicel of mature fruit considerably elongated.
About 20 species, from the southern Ryukyus, the Philippines and India, through Malaysia and Indonesia to the Pacific islands and Australia. One species in Taiwan.
Lower Taxon
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