Goodyera R. Br.
LEOU, Chong-Sheng
Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic perennials. Stems nodes, short or elongate, often ascending from short or long creeping basal rhizomes or rarely erect. Leaves alternate, cauline or subradical, petioled, green or decorated with colored stripes or blotches. Inflorescence terminal on erect peduncle, spicate or racemose, few to many-flowered, sheathed below. Flowers resupinate; sepals free or rarely basally connate, subequal, dorsal one erect, concave, lateral ones erect or spreading, covering sac of lip or not; petals thin, free or rarely connate at upper half, appressed to dorsal sepal forming a hood; lip more or less connate with base of column, usually cymbiform, indistinctly 3-lobed or nearly unlobed, mainly a saccate base and terminal limb, base usually hairy or setose inside, sometimes glabrous, smooth, grooved or lamellate, limb narrowed to acute tip, naked or with longitudinal keels basally, flat or beaked apically; column erect, without appendages; anther terminal on dorsal side of column, erect or inclined; pollinia 2, each 2-partite, granular or rarely sectile, attached to a viscidium; stigma single, large, on ventral side of column; rostellum slender, erect, deeply cleft.
More than 40 species, widespread in temperate and tropical regions worldwide. Nineteen species in Taiwan.