Microtis R. Br.
Small terrestrial herbs with globose root-stem tuberoids. Stem erect, slender. Leaf usually solitary, elongated, terete-cylindrical, with closed sheath around stem in lower part, not articulate. Inflorescence terminal, spicate, with many small spirally arranged flowers; bracts minute. Flowers greenish; dorsal sepal broad, concave; lateral sepals spreading or recurved; petals usually narrower, curving or spreading; lip connate to base of column, sessile, ligulate, usually callous at base, spurless; column short, semiterete, with small auricle on both sides; anther dorsal, nearly erect, basally adnate to column, 2celled, connective obscure, locules close, parallel or slightly divergent below; pollinia 2, sectile, with short stipe and basal viscidium; stigma entire, with rostellum shorter than anther.
About 10 species, mainly Australian, a few species in Malaysia and eastern Asia. One species in Taiwan.