Pholidota Lindl. ex W. J. Hook.
Epiphytic herbs with creeping rhizomes. Pseudobulbs close or well-spaced on rhizome, usually ovoid, with 1 or 2 leaves at top. Leaves with short petiole. Peduncle arising from apex of rhizome, growing simultaneously with rudimentary pseudobulb below, slender; racemes usually with distichous flowers, rachis often flexuous; bracts concave, enclosing pedicel and ovary; persistent or soon deciduous. Flowers small; sepals concave, lateral ones often keeled abaxially; petals similar to sepals; lip sessile on base of column, erect, concave, usually unlobed, saccate at base; column, stout, base with short foot, apex hooded over anther; anther terminal, incumbent, 2-celled; pollinia 4, 2 superposed pairs, waxy, connected at base by short caudicle to viscid materials; stigma entire, often emergent.
About 30 species, from southern China through southeast Asia, Indonesia to Papua New Guinea and Australia. One species in Taiwan.
Lower Taxon
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