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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Yoania Maxim.


Terrestrial stout leafless saprophytes. Rhizomes thick, much-branched. Peduncle stout, fleshy, with cucullate sheaths. Inflorescence terminal, with few to many racemose flowers; pedicel and ovary much longer than flowers. Flowers with subspreading perianth, fleshy; sepals and petals free, oblong; lip adnate to short foot of column, limb fleshy, obtusely apiculate, with large saccate, obtuse spur below and extending anteriorly; column short, with 2 erect acute processes on front top; anther erect on col-umn-top, long beaked, dorsally 2-celled; pollinia 4, 2 pairs, pulpy granular, attached to common viscidium; stigma concave, transversely broadened; rostellum obscure. Capsules on long pedicel, nodding or spreading.

Two species, China and Japan, one species in Taiwan.

Chang, N. H. and T. P. Lin. 1990. The rediscovery and taxonomic treatment of a saprophytic orchid Yoania japonica Maxim.var. squamipes Fuk. Bull. Taiwan Forest. Res. Inst. New Series 5(4): 259-262.

Lower Taxon

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