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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Compositae | Sonchus

Sonchus oleraceus L., Sp. Pl. 794. 1753; Kitamura, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 28. 1941; Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ., Ser. B, Biol. 23: 146. 1956; Li, Fl. Taiwan 4: 940, pl. 1254. 1978.

苦滇菜 (苦菜)

Sonchus oleraceus

Credit: HAST

Annuals or biennials; stems stout, 30-100 cm tall, often branched, hollow, nearly glabrous. Lower cauline leaves thin, oblong, 10-20×5-7 cm, apex obtuse or acute, base narrowed, winged-petiolate, pinnately parted to divided, segments oblong or deltoid, 3 or 4 pairs, irregularly spine toothed, glabrous on both surfaces; median leaves oblong, 10-22×*4.5–10 cm, apex obtuse or acuminate, base auriculate clasping, auricles acute or partite, segments of 2 or 3 pairs, irregularly spiny-dentate; upper leaves oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, few. Heads ca. 2 cm across, in umbels, yellow; peduncle 1.5-5.5 cm long, glandular hairy; involucre 1.2-1.5×*1.2-1.8 cm; bracts 3- or 4-seriate, glandular pilose on midrib outside, oblong-lanceolate, outer bracts 3.4-4.5 mm long, median bracts 6-9 mm long, inner bracts 9 mm long, with transparent margins. Florets 11-12 mm long, many, yellow. Achenes narrowly oblong, 2.5-3×*1 mm, with scaberulous ribs. Pappus bristles slender, ca. 6 mm long, white. Chromosome number, 2n = 32 (Peng & Hsu, 1978).

TAIPEI: Kungliao, Liao 1127. ILAN: Chuan, 13836; Nanfangao, Peng 13749. TAOYUAN: Fuhsing, Peng 10315. HSINCHU: Hengshan, Peng 13679. MIAOLI: Chunan, Lin 571. TAICHUNG: Techi, Peng 12477; Chika, Peng 9718. NANTOU: Tzuchung, Peng 11426. CHIAYI: Auku, Liao 1697. KAOHSIUNG: Shoushan, Yang 325. PINGTUNG: Wutai, Lin 355. TAITUNG: Lanyu Is., Peng 7646. HUALIEN: Pilu, Peng 9223.

Eurasia. Taiwan, waste grounds and roadsides, low to mid elevations, common.


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