Tainia shimadai Hayata
Rhizomes repent, producing one pseudobulb and one peduncle alternatively. Pseudobulbs purplish, elongate-ovoid or nearly cylindrical, 3-5 cm tall, 4-8 mm thick, articulated with petiole. Leaves linear lanceolate, oblong or linear, 6-40 cm long, 1.5-4.2 cm wide, acute or acuminate at apex, cuneate and decurrent at base, mainly 3-nerved; petiole 5 cm long, canaliculate. Peduncle separated from pseudobulb, producing from tip of rhizome, purplish, ca. 40 cm long, raceme loosely 7-20 flowered; bracts linear, 5-8 mm long; pedicel and ovary ca. 15 mm long. Flowers yellowish or greenish brown and tinged with red, or reddish brown; sepals spreading, dorsal one linear-oblong, 12-18 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, lateral ones linear-falcate, 12-17 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, mentum 2 mm long; petals not widely spreading, falcate-linear, 12-17 mm long, 2 mm wide; lip yellow, with minute brown dots on each side, obtriangular, 10-15 mm long, 8-10 mm wide, 3-lobed, side lobes erect, falcate, central lobe broadly obtriangular, truncate and apiculate at apex, disc with 3 keels; column 7-9 mm long, curved, apex with 2 semiorbicular wings, base with short foot; anther yellow, 1.5 mm long, with 2 reddish brown conic horns; pollinia flattened ovoid; stigma broad.
TAIPEI: Chutsushan, Shimada s. n. Apr 1915; Fushan, Su & Chen 8604. ILAN: Nanao, Su et al. 7008. TAOYUEN: Najyeshan, Su & Chen 8799. HSINCHU: Nalow, Su & Chen 8230*. MIAOLI: Manapan, Su & Chen 8844. PINGTUNG: Wutoushang, Segawa s. n. May 1936. TAITUNG: Hsinkangshan, Su & Chen 8052; Chingshuiying, Segawa s. n. Apr 1937. HUALIEN: Nengkua, Segawa s. n. Nov 1938.
Southern China. Taiwan, forests, 500-1,500 m, mountainous regions throughout.