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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Tainia Blume


Terrestrial herbs with short creeping rhizomes and pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs erect, globose-ovoid, elongate fusiform or cylindrical, with one internode, 1-leaved at apex. Leaves long-petioled, linear-oblong, elliptic or lanceolate, thinly coriaceous or chartaceous, plicate. Peduncle arising from rhizome, slender, often with tubular sheaths below; bracts membranaceous, lanceolate, shorter than pedicel and ovary. Flowers loosely racemose; sepals narrow, lateral ones adnate to foot of column and forming mentum with base of lip; petals mostly same length of sepals, not widely spreading; lip hinged to tip of foot of column, or produced into short spur and connate with foot of column, 3-lobed, disc often keeled; column slightly curved, semiterete, with short foot at base; anther terminal, incumbent, often with 2 conic obtuse horns; pollinia 8, waxy, laterally flattened, united by viscid caudicle into 2 pairs; stigma entire; rostellum broad, semiorbicular, undivided.

About 15 species, from Japan, China and the Himalaya through Malaysia to Papua New Guinea. Three species in Taiwan.

Lower Taxa

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Flora of China  
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