Tainia taiwaniana S. S. Ying
Rhizomes 5-6 mm thick, many-noded, densely rooting. Pseudobulbs closely arranged, conic-ovoid, 2-5 cm tall, 2-3.5 cm in diam., dull green or purplish, usually becoming grooved with age. Leaves dark green, linear to oblong, 15-40 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, 5-nerved, acute to acuminate at apex, cuneate and decurrent at base into sulcate petiole 10-30 cm long. Peduncle green and marked with purple stripes, 2540 cm long, with 3-4 reddish sheaths at lower part, raceme with ca. 10 flowers; bracts lanceolate, 8-12 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, with 5 purplish veins; pedicel and ovary 14-17 mm long. Flowers, 4-4.5 cm across; sepals and petals brownish abaxially, brownish yellow adaxially and with 5-7 purple veins and green margins; sepals lanceolate, 23-28 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute or acuminate, petals falcate-lin-ear, 20-26 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, acute; lip pale pink, pale yellow or nearly white, obovate, 3-lobed, 16-20 mm long, 10-12 mm wide when expanded, spur brownish purple, 4-5 mm long, slightly curved forward, lateral lobes semiorbicular, with minute purple dots, midlobe ovate or orbicular, 6-8 mm long, also purple-dotted, disc with 3 longitudinal keels; column whitish, with purple stripes on ventral side, 912 mm long, foot ca. 2 mm long; anther creamy yellow, with 2 dark purple spots at top, 2 mm long, 2celled; pollinia flattened obliquely ovate, 2 groups of 2 large and 2 small; stigma semiorbicular; rostellum protruding, triangular. Capsules cylindrical, pendulous, 2 cm long.
MIAOLI: Nanchuang, Lin 461. TAINAN: Sanchiaonan, Lin 390. KAOHSIUNG: Wantoulan, Su & Chen 8941; 9275.
Southern China, India, Indochina and the Himalaya. Taiwan, forests below 1000 m in the center and south.