Hetaeria yakushimensis Masam.
Stem erect, ascending from short or long creeping base, to 20 cm tall, leafy at upper half. Leaves obliquely ovate-lanceolate, apex acute, obtuse or rounded at base, 3-9 cm long; 2-3 cm wide, chartaceous, upper surface dark green, lustrous, often with white stripe along midrib; petiole 2-3 cm long. Peduncle hairy, to 20 cm long, with 2 or 3 hairy sheaths toward base; flowering portion of inflorescence 4-9 cm long, loosely 5-15-flowered; floral bracts hairy abaxially, margins ciliate. Flowers resupinate or not completely resupinate; ovary glabrous, slightly twisted and somewhat bent to front at apex, dark green; sepals reddish brown, sparsely hairy abaxially, 4-5 mm long, dorsal one ovate, concave, apex acute, lateral ones obliquely ovate, widely spreading; petals white or often tinged with green, obliquely ovate, 1-veined, 4-4.3 mm long, 3-3.3 mm wide; lip white, bipartite, 3.8-4.2 mm long, obscurely trilobed when expanded, hypochile consisting of an open sac ca. 2.5 mm long, longitudinally keeled, with palmate papillae on each side near base, distally constricted into epichile, epichile ovate, convolute or expanded like small terminal lobe; column suberect, 2-2.3 mm long, with 2 large pendent ventral appendages; anther broadly ovate; pollinia clavate, attached at tapered end to ovate viscidium; stigmatic lobes 2, convex, on sides of column, with sunken cavity between them; rostellum triangular, thin, bifid.
TAIPEI: Wulai, Leou 3745; Peichiatienshan, Su 8076. ILAN: Nanao, Su 7807. HSINCHU: Litongshan, Leou 3435. NANTOU: Chitou, Leou 3517, 3573.
Japan, the Ryukyus, Hongkong, the Philippines and Indonesia. Taiwan, in forests below 1,500 m in the north and center.