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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Tropidia

Tropidia nipponica Masam., Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 43: 249. 1929; Su, Quart. J. Chin. Forest. 20(4): 104, pl. 6. 1987.


Stems to 60 cm tall, 3-4 mm in diam.; internodes 3-4 cm long. Leaves 1 or 2, apical, elliptic to ovate-oblong, 10-15 cm long, 4-8 cm wide, apex acute, base obtuse, with 3-6 lateral veins on each side, veinlets 2-6. Inflorescence terminal; peduncle 4-8 cm long, finely hairy above; spikes subglobose; bracts lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers 7-12, dense, whitish; sepals 7-8 mm long, dorsal sepal elliptic, free, lateral sepal dimidiate obovate, connate 7/10-9/10 their length, boat shaped; petals free, oblong, keeled; lip yellowish or orange red, obovate, 6-7 mm long, concave at base, recurved and thickened toward apex; column suberect, subterete, 3-lobed, 3 mm long; anther ovate, with slightly revolute margins; pollinia indistinctly 2-parted; stipe fine, smooth; viscidium ellipsoid; stigma broad, triangular; rostellum triangular, bifid at apex, incurved laterally.

TAIPEI: Pihoo, Leou 4007; Pinglin, Su 8679. NANTOU: Chushan, Leou 3732, 4081. PINGTUNG: Leelongshan, Su 9226; Souka, Leou 4028. HUALIEN: Tenchong Cliff, Su 9313.

Southern Japan, the Ryukyus and probably the Philippines. Taiwan, forests at low and middle elevations.


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