Cerastium L.
Snow-in-summer, stitchwort, mouse-ear chickweed
60-100 species, of almost cosmopolitian distribution. About 85 in the FSU. Some are annuals, some low, mostly creeping perennials, among which well-known plants used in rock gardens, e.g. C. alpinum L.
C. argenteum Bieb., C. kazbek Parrot, C. multiflorum C. A. Mey., C. oreades Schischk. and C. szowitsii Boiss. are also of garden interest, all occur in the Caucasus and are mat-forming plants. C. szowitsii, for example, creates a wonderful, bright silvery cushion of foliage. C. lithospermifolium Fisch. Southern Siberia, Central Asia and northern Mongolia, on talus in alpine zone. Ground cover plant with large solitary flowers. All very good for the rock garden. Z 5. New.