Petilium raddeanum (Regel) Vved.
Fritillaria raddeana Regel
Stems 50-70 (-100) cm. Bulb broadly ovate, 6 cm diam. Leaves numerous, alternate or in whorls on lower or middle parts of shoot. Leaves nearly 10 cm long, 3.5 cm broad. Flowers pale yellow, sometimes greenish, 5 cm diam. Perianth broadly campanulate. Flowers 3-6 (12) in umbel-like inflorescence. V - April to July. Fl - April-May. Fr - June-July. P - by daughter bulbs and seed. Prefers sunny locations and well-drained soil. Z 4.
Central Asia (Kopet-Dag) and northwestern Iran. Rocky screes, stony slopes, often among shrubs.
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