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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

238. Adenostemma J. R. Forster & G. Forster, Char. Gen. Pl. 45. 1775.

下田菊属 xia tian ju shu

Lavenia Swartz.

Herbs, perennial. Leaf blade narrowly elliptic to broadly ovate or hastate, crenate to strongly serrate, acute to slightly acuminate. Synflorescence very laxly cymose. Phyllaries 10-30, 2-seriate, ± overlapping, somewhat fused at base, equal to subequal; receptacle covered with discrete oval deeply concave scars. Florets 10-60; corollas usually white, narrowly funnelform or with narrow basal tube and broadly campanulate limb, usually with hairs or glands on outer surface, hairs often moniliform; lobes 5, ca. 1.5 × longer than wide, not papillose; antheropodium usually strongly expanded below; anther appendages distinctly shorter than wide; style shaft with or without long hairs; style branches slightly to strongly clavate, often forming most showy part of head, fleshy, rounded apically, scarcely mammillate below. Achenes slightly curved, usually 3-angled without distinct ribs or 5-angled, often tuberculate; carpopodium forming a prominent asymmetrical knob; pappus usually of 3 or 5 terete clavate knobs, knobs with tips and upper outside surface covered with an elongated mass of viscid glands. x = 10.

About 26 species: pantropical; one species in China.

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