1 |
Scape dichotomously branched; involucral bracts paired; pistils and achenes glabrous |
1 A. dichotoma |
+ |
Scape usually unbranched; involucral bracts 3 or more; pistils and achenes glabrous or pubescent. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Pistils and achenes covered with very short hairs (usually 0.1--0.2 mm). |
(3) |
+ |
Pistils and achenes glabrous or covered with longer hairs. |
(18) |
3 (2) |
Rhizome long or short; leaf blade ternate or 3-sect, petiole narrow or basally sheathing; involucral bracts sessile; pistils and achenes with distinct or obscure style and small or capitate stigma. |
(4) |
+ |
Rhizome long and thin or shortly nodulose; leaf blade ternate, petiole narrow; involucral bracts petiolate; pistils and achenes with distinct style and small, usually linear stigma. |
(8) |
4 (3) |
Scalelike leaves present; leaves developing after anthesis, petiole narrow, leaf blade distinct. |
(5) |
+ |
Scalelike leaves absent; leaves developing before anthesis, petiole basally sheathing, leaf blade distinct. |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Leaves 2--4; scapes 1--3, cyme few flowered; sepals 5--10 mm, with 7--9 vein anastomoses |
2 A. flaccida |
+ |
Leaf solitary; scape solitary, cyme 1-flowered; sepals 7--15 mm, without vein anastomoses |
3 A. delavayi |
6 (4) |
Leaf blade 3-lobed |
4 A. erythrophylla |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-sect. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Rhizome 8--10 mm in diam., with long, underground stolons; sepals 10--15 mm, with few vein anastomoses |
5 A. baicalensis |
+ |
Rhizome 5--7 mm in diam., with long, above-ground stolons; sepals 8--10 mm, without vein anastomoses |
6 A. prattii |
8 (3) |
Leaves several, developing before anthesis, petiole gradually dilated at base. |
(9) |
+ |
Leaf solitary, developing after anthesis, petiole narrow. |
(13) |
9 (8) |
Scapes 2 or 3, few flowered; involucral bract petiole 1--3 cm; bracteoles present, small; sepals puberulent. |
(10) |
+ |
Scape solitary, 1-flowered; involucral bract petiole 0.5--1.5 cm; bracteoles absent; sepals subglabrous. |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Sepals 5--10 mm, without vein anastomoses; staminodes present between sepals and stamens; stigma linear |
7 A. stolonifera |
+ |
Sepals 15--20 mm, with 5--15 vein anastomoses; staminodes present between stamens and carpels; stigma subcapitate |
8 A. davidii |
11 (9) |
Involucral bract petiole 3--5 mm wide, basally sheathing and connate; ovary and achenes sparsely puberulent |
9 A. exigua |
+ |
Involucral bract petiole 1--2 mm wide, free; ovary and achenes glabrous. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Involucral bract blade 3-sect; style nearly absent; stigma subglobose |
10 A. griffithii |
+ |
Involucral bract blade 3-parted to 3-lobed; style distinct; stigma linear |
11 A. scabriuscula |
13 (8) |
Rhizome monomorphic, branched, usually prostrate, long, 1--3 mm in diam.; sepals 5--8(--10). |
(14) |
+ |
Rhizome dimorphic: short and thick (nodulose), and long and thin; sepals 5--12. |
(16) |
14 (13) |
Involucral bract petiole 3--5 mm wide; leaf blade central leaflet 3-sect or 3-parted; sepals 5--8, glabrous, without vein anastomoses |
12 A. amurensis |
+ |
Involucral bract petiole 1--2 mm wide; leaf blade central leaflet 3-lobed; sepals ca. 5, pilose or subglabrous, with or without vein anastomoses. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Basal and involucral bract blade with petiolules 2--5 mm; sepals 10--18 mm, pilose, with 5--9 vein anastomoses |
13 A. udensis |
+ |
Basal and involucral bract blade with petiolules 1--2 mm; sepals 7--14 mm, subglabrous, without vein anastomoses |
14 A. umbrosa |
16 (13) |
Sepals 5--7, bent, 5--7 mm, puberulent; cyme few flowered; involucral bract petiole 1--2 mm wide |
15 A. reflexa |
+ |
Sepals 8--12, spreading, 12--25 mm, glabrous; cyme 1-flowered; involucral bract petiole 1--5 mm wide. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Basal and involucral bractlets 3-lobed or toothed; involucral bract petiole 5--12 × 1--2 mm, basally slightly dilated; sepals 12--20 mm, with 1--3 vein anastomoses |
16 A. raddeana |
+ |
Basal and involucral bractlets deeply 3-lobed; involucral bract petiole 10--20 × 3--5 mm, base distinctly dilated; sepals 20--25 mm, with 3--5 vein anastomoses |
17 A. altaica |
18 (2) |
Pistils and achenes glabrous; involucral bracts petiolate. |
(19) |
+ |
Pistils and achenes pubescent or glabrous; involucral bracts sessile or petiolate. |
(20) |
19 (18) |
Sepals 5--10, 6--14 × 3--8 mm |
18 A. rivularis |
+ |
Sepals 4, 5--7 × 3--4 mm |
19 A. filisecta |
20 (18) |
Involucral bracts petiolate; pistils and achenes lanate. |
(21) |
+ |
Involucral bracts sessile; pistils and achenes pubescent. |
(24) |
21 (20) |
Leaf blade ternate. |
(22) |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-lobed or 3-sect. |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Leaf blade abaxially strigose |
20 A. hupehensis |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially tomentose |
21 A. tomentosa |
23 (21) |
Leaf blade 3--5-lobed, 10--20 × 10--20 cm, abaxially velutinous; involucral bract blade 3--5-lobed |
22 A. vitifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-sect, 2--5 × 3--8 cm, abaxially puberulent; involucral bract blade 3-sect |
23 A. sylvestris |
24 (20) |
Filaments filiform; scape terminal; rhizome branched, ascending or prostrate, short or long. |
(25) |
+ |
Filaments linear or dilated; scape axillary; rhizome simple, erect, short. |
(33) |
25 (24) |
Pistils and achenes lanate. |
(26) |
+ |
Pistils and achenes pubescent or glabrous. |
(29) |
26 (25) |
Rhizome simple, tuberous; involucral bracts palmately parted |
24 A. gortschakowii |
+ |
Rhizome branched, not tuberous, short; involucral bracts 3-parted or 3-lobed. |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Leaf petiole narrow, leaf blade abaxially subglabrous |
25 A. rupicola |
+ |
Leaf petiole basally sheathing, leaf blade abaxially puberulent or villous. |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Leaf blade 3-sect; involucral bract blade 3-parted |
26 A. laceratoincisa |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-parted; involucral bract blade 3-lobed |
27 A. tibetica |
29 (25) |
Pistils and achenes densely puberulent, not ribbed; style shortly subulate-terete; rhizome prostrate, long |
28 A. brevistyla |
+ |
Pistils and achenes glabrous, 1-ribbed; style not subulate; rhizome oblique or ascending, short. |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Leaf blade 3--5-lobed; involucral bract blade 3-lobed or entire. |
(31) |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-parted or 3-cleft; involucral bract blade entire. |
(32) |
31 (30) |
Leaf blade 3--8 × 2--8 cm; scape 15--40 cm; sepals white, 5--10 × 2--6 mm, with 3--5 vein anastomoses |
29 A. begoniifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade 10--15 × 10--15 cm; scape 40--60 cm; sepals purple, 15--20 × 8--14 mm, with more than 10 vein anastomoses |
30 A. hokouensis |
32 (30) |
Leaf petiole 1--2 mm wide; sepals pinkish, ca. 10 × 7 mm |
31 A. orthocarpa |
+ |
Leaf petiole basally sheathing; sepals white, 4--5 × 2--3 mm |
32 A. howellii |
33 (24) |
Achene body obovoid, compressed, winged, glabrous; leaf blade basally cordate or rarely subtruncate; involucral bract blade similar to that of leaves; sepal vein anastomoses usually 3--5 or rarely absent. |
(34) |
+ |
Achene body ovoid, sometimes slightly compressed, densely pubescent (rarely subglabrous); leaf blade basally attenuate or cordate; involucral bract blade distinctly smaller than that of leaves; sepal vein anastomoses usually absent. |
(42) |
34 (33) |
Inflorescence compoundly branched; leaf blade 3-parted or 3-lobed. |
(35) |
+ |
Inflorescence usually simply umbellate or flower solitary; leaf blade usually 3-sect. |
(37) |
35 (34) |
Leaf blade 3-lobed, leathery; sepals 4, 12--20 × 6--12 mm, glabrous, with vein anastomoses; achene body 8--12 mm |
33 A. tetrasepala |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-parted, herbaceous; sepals 5, varying in size, puberulent or glabrous, without vein anastomoses; achene body smaller. |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Sepals 12--20 × 6--12 mm, base cuneate, apex rounded; achene body 6--9 mm, wing 1.2--1.3 mm wide, style 1--1.5 mm |
34 A. elongata |
+ |
Sepals 7--10 × 4--6 mm, base rounded, apex acute; achene body 5--6 mm, wing 0.5--0.6 mm wide, style 0.6--1 mm |
35 A. shikokiana |
37 (34) |
Sepals 15--25 mm, glabrous; stem 70--120 cm; leaf blade orbicular-ovate |
36 A. robusta |
+ |
Sepals smaller, ± pubescent; stem less than 70 cm; leaf blade varying in shape. |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Leaf blade orbicular, with subsessile segments; involucral bracts larger than leaves |
37 A. cathayensis |
+ |
Leaf blade differently shaped; involucral bracts smaller than leaves. |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Sepals 5--10, blue or white. |
(40) |
+ |
Sepals 5, white or red (rarely pink). |
(41) |
40 (39) |
Stem usually solitary, erect; leaf blade usually orbicular-reniform, wider than long, with central segment similar to lateral ones; sepals white or yellowish, pubescent or glabrous |
38 A. narcissiflora |
+ |
Stems 3--5, ascending; leaf blade usually ovate, longer than wide, with central segment distinctly larger than lateral ones; sepals usually blue or pink, densely pubescent |
39 A. demissa |
41 (39) |
Sepals white, 7--10 × 5--6 mm; leaf blade ovate, longer than wide |
40 A. taipaiensis |
+ |
Sepals red (rarely pink), 15--25 × 10--15 mm; leaf blade orbicular-rhombic, wider than long |
41 A. smithiana |
42 (33) |
Pistils and achenes ellipsoid, compressed, with distinct, lateral ribs, usually glabrous. |
(43) |
+ |
Pistils and achenes ovoid, not compressed (rarely sometimes slightly compressed), without lateral ribs, ± densely pubescent. |
(45) |
43 (42) |
Leaf blade pinnatifid, longer than wide; pistil and achene style bent basally |
42 A. imbricata |
+ |
Leaf blade twice 3-sect, wider than long; pistil and achene style straight or curved apically. |
(44) |
44 (43) |
Leaves subglabrous; sepals 5--10 × 3--6 mm, glabrous or sparsely puberulent; filaments lanceolate; pistil and achene style straight or slightly curved |
43 A. rupestris |
+ |
Leaves sparsely puberulent or subglabrous; sepals 9--14 × 5--9 mm, usually puberulent; filaments linear; pistil and achene style apically thickened and uncinate |
44 A. polycarpa |
45 (42) |
Leaf blade usually longer than wide, base attenuate or cuneate. |
(46) |
+ |
Leaf blade usually wider than long, base cordate or rounded. |
(49) |
46 (45) |
Leaf blade basally attenuate; cyme 1--3-flowered; sepal vein anastomoses sometimes present. |
(47) |
+ |
Leaf blade basally truncate; cyme 1-flowered; sepal vein anastomoses absent. |
(48) |
47 (46) |
Leaf blade 3-parted, 3-cleft, or 3-lobed, broadly lanceolate or ovate; involucral bract blade 3-lobed or 3-dentate; cyme 1--3-flowered; filaments ovate-lanceolate |
45 A. trullifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade usually undivided, oblong-linear to oblanceolate; involucral bract blade undivided; cyme 1-flowered; filaments linear |
46 A. coelestina |
48 (46) |
Leaf blade 3-parted or 3-lobed; involucral bract blade 3-lobed; sepals 8--16 × 8--10 mm |
47 A. yulongshanica |
+ |
Leaf blade undivided or obscurely 3-lobed; involucral bract blade entire or 3-dentate; sepals 5--10 × 5--8 mm |
48 A. subindivisa |
49 (45) |
Leaf petiole 1--2 mm wide; involucral bract blade 3-lobed to 3-parted; cyme usually few flowered; sepals pilose; staminodes absent |
49 A. obtusiloba |
+ |
Leaf petiole more than 2 mm wide; involucral bract blade undivided or sometimes 3-lobed; cyme 1-flowered; sepals glabrous or sparsely puberulent; staminodes sometimes present. |
(50) |
50 (49) |
Leaf blade central segment 3-sect or 3-parted, with distinct segments (leaf blade appearing pinnatifid), petiole 2--5 cm |
50 A. subpinnata |
+ |
Leaf blade central segment 3-lobed or undivided, petiole 5--20 cm. |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Leaf blade orbicular-ovate, all segments subsessile; filaments ovate |
51 A. patula |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate, central segment distinctly petiolulate; filaments linear-lanceolate. |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Leaf blade central segment petiolule 1--2 mm; sepals 10--20 × 6--12 mm; filaments linear, 0.3--0.5 mm wide |
52 A. rockii |
+ |
Leaf blade central segment petiolule 5--10 mm; sepals 5--12 × 4--9 mm; filaments lanceolate, 0.5--1.0 mm wide |
53 A. geum |