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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

119. Aphyllodium (Candolle) Gagnepain, Notul. Syst. (Paris). 3: 254. 1916.

两节豆属 liang jie dou shu

Authors: Puhua Huang & Hiroyoshi Ohashi

Dicerma sect. Aphyllodium Candolle, Prodr. 2: 339. 1825; Dicerma Candolle, nom. illeg. superfl.

Subshrubs or shrubs. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate; stipules united, amplexicaul, mostly 3-lobed at apex; stipels very minute. In­florescences racemose, terminal and axillary; bracts narrowly triangular, bracteoles at base of calyx, 2-5-flowered at each node. Calyx campanulate or funnel-shaped, with appressed long hairs and minute uncinate hairs, 5-lobed; lower lobes nearly equal to or longer than upper ones, upper 2 lobes connate, entire or minutely 2-toothed at apex. Corolla red; standard narrowly obovate to ob­ovate, not auriculate; wings narrowly oblong; keel narrowly elliptic, shorter than wings, auriculate, clawed. Stamens diadelphous (9+1). Gynoecium sessile. Legume mostly 2- or occasionally 1-jointed, both sutures deeply indented. Seeds distinctly rim-arillate around hilum.

Seven species: tropical Asia to N Australia; one species in China.

The name Dicerma is illegitimate because it was nomenclaturally superfluous when published. In the protologue (Candolle, Prodr. 2: 339. 1825), the earlier-named genus Phyllodium (1813) was included.

Lower Taxon


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