1 |
Leaves deciduous in dry season; inflorescence (including rachis, bracts, and flowers) densely villous; column with a distinct column foot; lip adnate to column foot. |
51 C. labrosa |
+ |
Leaves not deciduous; inflorescence glabrous or puberulent; column without a column foot; lip adnate to column wings or adnate to base of column |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Floral bracts caducous; rostellum unlobed |
(3) |
+ |
Floral bracts persistent; rostellum 2- or 3-lobed |
(8) |
3 (2) |
Lip similar to petals, spurless. |
1 C. actinomorpha |
+ |
Lip different from petals, spurred at base |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Flowers white. |
2 C. angustifolia |
+ |
Flowers yellow |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Lip obscurely 3-lobed; lateral lobes very small, to 1 mm, sometimes inconspicuous. |
3 C. lyroglossa |
+ |
Lip distinctly 3-lobed; lateral lobes relatively large, 2-5 mm |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Spur cylindric; lip adnate to base of column wings; column slender, ca. 12 mm. |
4 C. densiflora |
+ |
Spur clavate; lip adnate to entire length of column wings; column thick, 5-7 mm |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Leaves narrowly elliptic; lip with 2 triangular lamellae at base of disk. |
5 C. clavata |
+ |
Leaves oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate; lip with 2 lunar calli between lateral lobes of disk. |
6 C. speciosa |
8 (2) |
Lip spurless |
(9) |
+ |
Lip spurred |
(14) |
9 (8) |
Flowers small; sepals to 7 mm. |
7 C. tsoongiana |
+ |
Flowers large; sepals 10-20 mm |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Lip clawed at base, claw forming a shallow sac at base. |
8 C. sacculata |
+ |
Lip not clawed |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Lip with 3-5 crested lamellae on disk. |
9 C. tricarinata |
+ |
Lip without lamellae or calli on disk |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Flowers pale yellow. |
10 C. ecarinata |
+ |
Flowers pink or pale purplish pink |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Sepals and petals not reflexed. |
11 C. puberula |
+ |
Sepals and petals strongly reflexed. |
12 C. reflexa |
14 (8) |
Lip unlobed |
(15) |
+ |
Lip 2- or 3-lobed |
(19) |
15 (14) |
Lip margin fimbriate. |
13 C. alpina |
+ |
Lip margin entire, undulate, erose, or emarginate, but not fimbriate |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Floral bracts and sepals reflexed. |
14 C. whiteana |
+ |
Floral bracts and sepals not reflexed |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Leaves 4 or 5, narrowly oblong, 1.5-2.6 cm wide. |
15 C. fargesii |
+ |
Leaves 2 or 3, oblong or oblanceolate, 4-8 cm wide |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Flowers yellowish green; lip reniform; spur 11-14 mm. |
16 C. simplex |
+ |
Flowers white, tinged purple; lip elliptic; spur ca. 28 mm. |
17 C. petelotiana |
19 (14) |
Lip 2-lobed. |
18 C. biloba |
+ |
Lip 3-lobed |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Lip adorned with wartlike calli on disk |
(21) |
+ |
Lip adorned with ridges or lamellae, or without any appendages on disk |
(30) |
21 (20) |
Mid-lobe of lip entire or shallowly emarginate, mucronate at apex or not |
(22) |
+ |
Mid-lobe of lip divided by a deep sinus into 2 lobules |
(24) |
22 (21) |
Flowers yellow-green; spur ca. 5.5 mm. |
19 C. dulongensis |
+ |
Flowers pinkish purple or purple-red; spur 25-50 mm |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Leaves densely pubescent on both surfaces; pedicel and ovary ca. 20 mm; lip 8-9 mm. |
20 C. sinica |
+ |
Leaves sparsely pubescent abaxially; pedicel and ovary ca. 35 mm; lip 11-17 mm. |
21 C. sylvatica |
24 (21) |
Scape arising from previous year’s leafless pseudobulb. |
23 C. odora |
+ |
Scape arising from leaf axil of current year’s growth |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Spur 2-3 mm. |
22 C. ×dominyi |
+ |
Spur 5-30 mm |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Leaves ensiform or lorate, 0.8-2(-5) cm wide; floral bracts reflexed; dorsal sepal to 9 mm. |
24 C. davidii |
+ |
Leaves elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, ovate-elliptic, or ovate-lanceolate, 4-12 cm wide; floral bracts not reflexed; dorsal sepal 10-15 mm |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Flowers yellowish green; lateral lobes of lip ovate or flabellate, 5-7 mm wide |
(28) |
+ |
Flowers white, sometimes tinged purplish violet, or occasionally purplish red; lateral lobes of lip linear, oblong, or narrowly obovate-cuneate, 2-3 mm wide |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Leaves uniformly green, without silver-gray bands on adaxial surface; spur longer than 20 mm. |
25 C. herbacea |
+ |
Leaves with several silver-gray bands on adaxial surface; spur less than 20 mm. |
26 C. argenteostriata |
29 (27) |
Pedicel and ovary 10-20 mm; lobules of lip mid-lobe subrhombic, 5-6 mm wide. |
27 C. alismatifolia |
+ |
Pedicel and ovary 30-40 mm; lobules of lip mid-lobe linear-oblong, ca. 3 mm wide. |
28 C. triplicata |
30 (20) |
Lip without any appendages on disk |
(31) |
+ |
Lip adorned with ridges or lamellae on disk (sometimes inconspicuous in C. arisanensis and C. plantaginea) |
(32) |
31 (30) |
Mid-lobe of lip obovate, ca. 8 mm wide. |
29 C. yuana |
+ |
Mid-lobe of lip oblong-ligulate, ca. 2 mm wide. |
30 C. limprichtii |
32 (30) |
Ovary and capsule with 6 longitudinal winglike ridges. |
46 C. arisanensis |
+ |
Ovary and capsule without longitudinal ridges |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Ridges on lip connecting to column wings |
(34) |
+ |
Ridges and lamellae on lip free from column wings |
(37) |
34 (33) |
Lip with 3-5(-7) ridges on disk; spur 20-32 mm. |
45 C. aristulifera |
+ |
Lip with 3 ridges on disk; spur 5-20 mm |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Lip with 4 brown marks on disk; sepals 12-13 mm. |
43 C. graciliflora |
+ |
Lip lacking brown marks on disk; sepals 15-17 mm |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Ridges on disk of lip inconspicuous; lip mid-lobe as broad as or broader than long. |
42 C. plantaginea |
+ |
Ridges on disk of lip tall and conspicuous, running onto mid-lobe; lip mid-lobe much longer than broad. |
44 C. henryi |
37 (33) |
Lateral lobes of lip distinctly broader than mid-lobe |
(38) |
+ |
Lateral lobes of lip narrower than mid-lobe |
(40) |
38 (37) |
Petiole-like leaf base 30-37 cm; lip ca. 5.5 mm. |
39 C. trifida |
+ |
Petiole-like leaf base 3-9 cm; lip 10-13 mm |
(39) |
39 (38) |
Spur much shorter than pedicel and ovary, 5-10 mm; lip mid-lobe emarginate. |
40 C. discolor |
+ |
Spur longer than pedicel and ovary, 20 mm or more; lip mid-lobe shortly apiculate. |
41 C. alleizettei |
40 (37) |
Spur 8-15 mm |
(41) |
+ |
Spur to 6 mm |
(44) |
41 (40) |
Flowers bright yellow; lip with 5 ridges on disk. |
50 C. sieboldii |
+ |
Flowers white, pink, or pale red; lip with 3 lamellae or ridges on disk |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Margins of lip mid-lobe fimbriate. |
47 C. metoensis |
+ |
Margins of lip mid-lobe slightly erose or emarginate, but not fimbriate |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Leaf solitary; flowers pale red; lip mid-lobe broadly ovate-cuneate, ca. 10 × 10 mm. |
48 C. lechangensis |
+ |
Leaves 2; flowers white; lip mid-lobe obovate, ca. 7 × 8 mm. |
49 C. nankunensis |
44 (40) |
Dorsal sepal 7-9 mm. |
31 C. mannii |
+ |
Dorsal sepal 12-35 mm |
(45) |
45 (44) |
Leaves 0.7-3.5 cm wide |
(46) |
+ |
Leaves 5-12 cm wide |
(48) |
46 (45) |
Flowers with purplish red striations; lip with 7 crested lamellae on disk. |
36 C. emeishanica |
+ |
Flowers without striations; lip with 3-5 ridges or lamellae |
(47) |
47 (46) |
Mid-lobe of lip elliptic-rhombic, 8-10 × 6-7 mm, apex aristate. |
37 C. arcuata |
+ |
Mid-lobe of lip suboblong, ca. 6 × 4.5 mm, apex acute. |
38 C. nipponica |
48 (45) |
Lip with a single lamella on mid-lobe. |
35 C. griffithii |
+ |
Lip with 3 lamellae on mid-lobe |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Lateral lobes of lip broader than long; spur adnate to ovary, 4.5-6 mm; lip disk lamellae taller than long. |
34 C. fugongensis |
+ |
Lateral lobes of lip longer than broad; spur free from ovary, 2-3 mm; lip disk lamellae longer than tall |
(50) |
50 (49) |
Sepals and petals buff colored, with pinkish red striations; lip 6-10 mm wide. |
32 C. brevicornu |
+ |
Sepals and petals yellow; lip 14-15 mm wide. |
33 C. hancockii |