1 |
Standard outside glabrous |
(2) |
+ |
Standard outside densely sericeous |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Calyx densely sericeous, hirsute, or tomentose; ovary sericeous or tomentose |
(3) |
+ |
Calyx sparsely pubescent; ovary glabrous |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Leaflets 7, blades 4-8 × 1-2 cm, apex acuminate to caudate; flowers ca. 1.8 cm; corolla yellow. |
3 C. fordii |
+ |
Leaflets 7-13, blades 4-13 × 1-4 cm, apex acute; flowers 2.5-3.5 cm; corolla white, creamy, pale pink, or lilac |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Leaflet blades shiny, glabrous on adaxial surface, rusty pubescent and glabrescent on abaxial surface; ovules numerous; standard with 2 basal calluses. |
1 C. speciosa |
+ |
Leaflet blades villous on both surfaces; ovules 4-6; standard without basal calluses. |
2 C. bonatiana |
5 (2) |
Stipules inserted at tip of persistent gibbosity on stem |
(6) |
+ |
Stipules not inserted at tip of persistent gibbosity on stem |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Calyx pubescent; legume carmine when dry, oblong, 10-11 cm, convex, suture thickened; panicles ca. 30 cm. |
4 C. eurybotrya |
+ |
Calyx glabrescent; legume blackened when dry, linear, ca. 15 cm, flat, suture not thickened; panicles 10-20 cm. |
5 C. reticulata |
7 (5) |
Panicle terminal, branchlets ascending; corolla yellowish white with a pink halo; leaf blade glabrous and shiny, abaxially pale green when dry, secondary and tertiary veins distinct and raised on both surfaces, apex acuminate to caudate. |
6 C. championii |
+ |
Racemes axillary, pendulous; corolla white or purple; leaf blade flat and rough, abaxially dull grayish green when dry, secondary and tertiary veins indistinct, apex acute. |
7 C. kiangsiensis |
8 (1) |
Leaflets 3(or 5) |
(9) |
+ |
Leaflets 5 or 7 (3 or 5 in C. dorwardii) |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Stipels absent; leaflet blades subleathery. |
8 C. tsui |
+ |
Stipels present; leaflet blades papery. |
13 C. sphaerosperma |
10 (8) |
Legume flat, not distinctly contracted between seeds; seeds lenticular |
(11) |
+ |
Legume inflated, usually distinctly contracted between seeds; seeds globose or reniform |
(14) |
11 (10) |
Panicles straight, branchlets contiguous, flowers closely arranged |
(12) |
+ |
Panicles spreading, branchlets slender, flowers laxly arranged |
(13) |
12 (11) |
Corolla violet to purple; legume stipitate, brown tomentose; leaflet blades ovate-lanceolate or oblong, subleathery; stipels subulate, ca. 2 mm. |
16 C. nitida |
+ |
Corolla white or pale pink; legume sessile, gray hirsute; leaflet blades broadly elliptic to ovate, papery; stipels filiform, 5-6 mm. |
17 C. congestiflora |
13 (11) |
Leaflets (5 or)7, blades caudate at apex; panicles long pedunculate. |
15 C. longipedunculata |
+ |
Leaflets 5, blades acute at apex; panicles subsessile. |
18 C. dielsiana |
14 (10) |
Branchlets, leaf rachises, and leaflet blades abaxially with dense trichomes, not glabrescent; legume densely brown tomentose |
(15) |
+ |
Branchlets, leaf rachises, and leaflet blades abaxially with sparse trichomes or glabrescent; legume gray pubescent, yellow tomentose, or gray tomentose |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Leaflet blades 4-8 cm wide, abaxially brown velutinous; legume 2-2.5 cm wide. |
9 C. oosperma |
+ |
Leaflet blades 1.8-3 cm wide, abaxially rusty tomentose; legume ca. 1.5 cm wide. |
14 C. sericosema |
16 (14) |
Panicles compact, branchlets congested; legume not contracted between seeds. |
12 C. dorwardii |
+ |
Panicles lax, branchlets spread out; legume contracted between seeds |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Floriferous branchlets slender; leaflet blades obovate; petiolules ca. 4 mm; stipels ca. 4 mm. |
10 C. cinerea |
+ |
Floriferous branchlets straight; leaflet blades oblong; petiolules 2-3 mm; stipels ca. 1 mm. |
11 C. gentiliana |