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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

129. Christia Moench, Suppl. Meth. 39. 1802.

蝙蝠草属 bian fu cao shu

Authors: Puhua Huang & Hiroyoshi Ohashi

Herbs or subshrubs, erect or diffuse. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate or only 1-foliolate, stipellate. Flower small, 3-6 mm. Panicles or racemes terminal, rarely axillary. Calyx membranous, campanulate, accrescent, 5-lobed; lobes ovate-lanceolate, ca. as long as tube and slightly broader. Corolla ca. as long as calyx or more; standard broad, base attenuate, clawed; wings adherent to keel; keel ob­tuse. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); anthers uniform. Ovary many ovuled; style linear, incurved; stigma capitate. Legume many jointed, articles folded, reticulate veined, enclosed by calyx.

About 13 species: tropical Asia and Australia; five species (one endemic) in China.

1 Terminal leaflet much longer than broad, lateral veins 10-15 on each side of midvein; upper 2 lobes of calyx connate; articles 2-4, pubescent.   1 C. campanulata
+ Terminal leaflet much broader than long, lateral veins 2-5 on each side of midvein; upper 2 lobes of calyx free or slightly connate; articles 4 or 5, glabrous (only C. hainanensis with 2 or 3 articles, extremely shortly uncinate pubescent)   (2)
2 (1) Upper 2 lobes of calyx free, tube 3-4 × as long as lobes, calyx not half-hyaline, with dense uncinate hairs, small verrucae, and obscure reticulate veins; terminal leaflet obovate-rhombic, sometimes nearly square; subshrubs.   2 C. constricta
+ Upper 2 lobes of calyx slightly connate, lower lobes ca. as long as tube, calyx dry-membranous, half-hyaline, obviously reticulate veined; herbs   (3)
3 (2) Terminal leaflet mostly rhombic or narrowly rhombic, 4-6 × broader than long.   3 C. vespertilionis
+ Terminal leaflet mostly reniform, orbicular-triangular, obovate, or nearly obtriangular, less than 3 × broader than long   (4)
4 (3) Terminal leaflet mostly reniform, orbicular-triangular, or obovate, 5-15 × 10-20 mm; articles 4 or 5, glabrous.   4 C. obcordata
+ Terminal leaflet nearly obtriangular, 20-30 × 15-25 mm; articles 2 or 3, shortly uncinate pubescent.   5 C. hainanensis

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